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Offener Brief and die Devs...

Verfasst: So 17 Apr 2016, 10:03
von I/JG27_Nemesis
Bitte nicht wo anders posten:\n\nHab folgende PN an 5 der Devs geschickt:\n\nTopic: Missing COOP = Missing FUN!\n\n\nDear Developers,\n\nI appreciate your work and all you have achieved so far, to take flight sims to the next level.\n\nHowever, I strongly feel that there are KEY ELEMENTS missing, that are required for really having FUN enjoying your product long term.\n\nI think it's kinda silly to allocate all available ressources on creating new scenarios, new flyable planes, new XYZ stuff like drivable tanks and all that....and then realize that there are no ressources left to create a proper coop mode, base requirement for motivating and compelling online wars.\n\nHistory repeats itself, and we saw that the missing coop mode killed Cliffs of Dover (among many other flaws it initially had, and BoS is far better in this regard), but COOP system is badly missing in just the same way - but COOP is the heart and soul of gameplay in the flight sim world!\n\nThe CORE gameplay of the sim is far more important than the sheer volume of content. I mean, if all homework is done and is working just fine, and it is enjoyable, then that nice stuff can come, but\n\nIn order to continue the success of the IL-2 Series long term, it should be Number one priority to create the COOP gameplay mode that is FUN and COMPELLING, and keeps pilots flying and buying.\n\nAs long as this goal is not achieved, more solo campaings, add-ons and all that stuff are kinda pointless...\n\nTo see this, put yourself in the shoes of a customer out there, who is bored of flying without scoring system and without any bigger reason behind it.\n\nWould any pilot be eager to fly again, just because there are new maps, and planes available, just to find himself in the same old boring world with pointless end endless dogfighting without proper score boards, campaign advance and all that good things required to create a compelling gaming experience? If you are stuck in the old DF world which is still the case, it feels like "all you will ever get is a Iron Cross 2nd Class, and it will always be taken away from you every other day, regardless if you get killed or not"\n\nWhat about the pilots who want to achieve something? (which are >80% of potential customers) - They are left outside alone...\n\nLooking forward to your Reply,\n\nNemesis

Re: Offener Brief and die Devs...

Verfasst: So 17 Apr 2016, 10:27
von I/JG27_Degalus
Danke Nem! Hoffe es fruchtet. Aber leider ist die Luft bei so vielen raus.\nMit der Entscheidung 1946 oder BOS ist leider das Lager (auch hier im Geschwader) geteilt worden... beide Sims sind aber nun gestorben. \nBOS war aufgrund seiner langsamen Entwicklung für mich ganz persönlich eine Totgeburt wo ich leider zuviel Geld für nichts reingesteckt habe. So schön die Farben und Effekte sind... hab keine 20min am Stück dieses Spiel am laufen gehabt.\nMir fehlte aber von Anfang an das Engagement sich da reinzuspielen. Kommt jetzt ein Coop Modus, kann ich vieleicht nicht mitspielen weil ich BOM nicht habe...\nDa bleib ich lieber bei DCS und flieg meine F-15 oder die Albatros in ROF.

Re: Offener Brief and die Devs...

Verfasst: So 17 Apr 2016, 13:53
von I/JG27_Rollo
I/JG27_Nemesis hat geschrieben:\nWhat about the pilots who want to achieve something? (which are >80% of potential customers) - They are left outside alone...
\nIch fürchte leider, dass du mit der Einschätzung daneben liegen könntest.\nDie Anahl der Leute, die nur für ein paar belanglose Endlos-Furballs auf DF-Server hüpfen, dürfte im Vergleich zu den Leuten, die sich viel Zeit für eine Coop-Mission nehmen, inzwischen ziemlich hoch sein.\n\nHoffe aber trotzdem, dass du damit was erreichen kannst.\nCoop-Missionen und auch Coop-Kampagnen wären eine feine Sache...