IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

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IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Do 08 Sep 2016, 14:56

Bild\n\nDear Friends,\n\n It is my honor and pleasure to announce our current and future plans for the modern IL-2 Sturmovik Series. As you know we have released Battle of Stalingrad and Battle of Moscow and now we are ready to announce - THE BATTLE OF KUBAN! In addition to creating the Battle of Kuban we will be adding several new technologies, gameplay modes and community centered features to the Sturmovik series that will setup future titles based in the Pacific theater. We see the further development of the Sturmovik series as a marathon and not a sprint. We hope you will continue to support us and cheer us on the entire way as we make, what we consider to be, our shared vision a reality. More on our bigger vision further below.\n\nTo produce Battle of Kuban we have adopted a sixteen (16) month development plan that will culminate with its final release in December 2017. The plan is packed with new features, improvements, changes and new content. Battle of Kuban (BOK) will be available for Pre-Order in the coming weeks with a discounted price for early purchasers. An early-access program will also be available for pre-order purchasers as we have done in the past. You will not have to wait long to start experiencing new content and further improvements to the Sturmovik universe.\n\n\nThe Battle of Kuban provides a unique opportunity for us as a development team and for you as a customer. The Kuban theater offers some beautiful and varied scenery and interesting aircraft including Western Lend-Lease designs that played an important role not only the Kuban area, but all across the Eastern Front. The Kuban also helps the development team by providing an ocean environment for larger ships and other watercraft to do battle which will help prepare us for our eventual move to the Pacific theater.\n\n\nBOK_Cover_EN_S.jpg\n\n\nPlanned to be Included in Battle of Kuban:\n\n \nFlyable Aircraft and Content:\n- Bf-109 G-4\n- Fw-190 A-5\n- Bf-110 G-2\n- He-111 H-16\n- Yak-7b\n- P-39L-1\n- IL-2 mod.43 UBT\n- A-20B\n- Hs-129 B-2 (Collector)\n- Spitfire Mk.VВ (Collector)\n\n- Kuban map 300x400km (Seaport, Towns, Mountains, Sea, Prairies, Large Forests, Part of Crimea)\n- Warships (Destroyer, Cargo ships, Submarines, Torpedo boats, Landing Barge)\n- Some New Ground Units\n\nTechnology and Features:\n\n- DX11\n- VR (with existing GUI)\n- New Career for Kuban, Moscow, Stalingrad (ROF-like)\n- Scripted Campaign game mode with first Campaign of 15 missions. Community can add their own scripted Campaigns later.\n- CO-OP Multiplayer Game Mode (ROF-like to start)\n- Air Marshall and Field Marshall modes for MP. (i.e. HQ-ATC-GCI type screen to manage a battle with realistic limited info)\n- In-Game Model-Viewer (tool for skin makers)\n- Mods On/Off Mode (As open as possible including sounds and textures)\n- Support for Tacview\n- Rear View Mirrors\n- Re-vamped Triple Monitor Support\n- External Gauges API for app makers\n- Ability for Players to Import Vehicles and Objects (Like ROF)\n- SDK for Vehicles, Buildings, Boats and other Objects\n- Custom Graphics Settings Options\n\n \nOther Improvements:\n- As much of Daniel’s DD120 (As time and budgets allow)\n- Adjustable Cloud Heights\n- Flight Model Optimization for AI planes (More AI planes in missions)\n- Planes with larger wheels are less stuck in rough terrain\n- Support for Larger Textures (Assuming tests prove possible)\n- Sound/Graphics FX (Object linked hits and sounds)\n- Sharper Shadows\n- Haze Improvements (Possibly if research results are good)\n- New Tracers (Possibly if research results are good)\n- Oil Leak Texture Layer (Possibly if research results are good)\n- Liquid effects on Canopies (Possibly if research results are good)\n- Torpedoes\n- Key/Axis Mapping Dialog Re-design\n- PWCG custom button in GUI (Similar to ROF)\n- Crew Position Hotkeys\n- HEAT projectile\n- Multiple Bomblets\n- Cavity bursting charge AP projectile\n- TrackIR seen as separate device by game\n- Misfires when gun overheated\n- Blown engine if something going wrong with it\n- Trimmers on axis\n- Cargo Drops and Paratroopers for Ju-52\n… and other small improvements, changes and fixes we can fit in to the schedule.\n\nNote: Items above not listed in any particular order or priority and any item listed is tentative provided development goals are reached as planned.\n\n Larger Picture:\n \nOver the next few years we plan to meet four major goals with our engine, technology and products.\n\n1. Build the technology and features the community wants to see in our products and try to re-capture some of the magic that made the original Sturmovik so much fun. We call it the “Spirit of ‘46”.\n\n2. Continue to use the Eastern Front as the proving ground for our engine, technology and game design for a little while longer. By making Kuban next, we will leave the Eastern Front a well-appointed theater that fans of the Eastern Front can enjoy it for a long time.\n\n3. Move to the Pacific Theater and build a first-class simulation of Carrier Warfare which dominated that theater.\n\n4. Develop features, methods and opportunities to increase community involvement in the creation of interesting content and increasing social interactions between players to build a stronger community.\n\n If our plan is successful, our engine and product line will evolve into one of the biggest and best combat sim series ever.\n\n Our long-term vision includes the following battles, but not necessarily in this order and final selection is not concrete.\n \n\nBattle of Kuban\n\nBattle of Midway\n\nBattle of Okinawa\n\nBattle of ??????\n\n Additional improvements and features are planned for later products. We simply could not fit all possible features, content and changes into one product. And some features and changes have to come before we can build others. It is necessary to take a methodical, responsible approach to how we develop the engine and product further to ensure long-term success. No one wants us to release an unfinished or broken product. To do so would be the end of our team.\n \nWe have conducted much internal and external research on where we should go next and thought about the future vison of what you, the combat flight-simmer, wants us to make. It’s not easy to balance the wants and needs of the entire yet diverse combat-sim community with our budgets, deadlines and available resources. However, Battle of Kuban along with its new tech and features is a strong, aggressive step in the direction the community has requested we go. Please remember, the original Sturmovik as well as our earlier title Rise of Flight, was not built in a day, but over several years. However, with your continued help and encouragement we can make this vision a reality and keep the Spirit of ’46 alive!\n \nYou can discuss this announcement in this thread and read further comments from Jason that address this plan in even more detail.\n \nSee you in the skies and thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support! \n\n The IL-2 Sturmovik Team

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Fr 09 Sep 2016, 07:11

Announcing Battle of Kuban and Development Plan!\n\n \n\nNow that the announcement is out I will try to comment on different areas of concern or make other general comments to give context to our plan.\n\n \n\nDecision Context:\n \nFirst, let me just say that we gave this decision to make Kuban a lot of thought and you must remember that our team does not have the resources to do parallel development. We have to make one product at a time. This is sad, but true. So, we were forced to develop a plan that can:\n\n1. Improve the core product (engine, technology) and add in new, missing or wanted features.\n2. Develop content that can bridge the gap between East and West and push us towards a future Pacific title.\n\n \nWe think this plan accomplished that and puts our IL-2 back into the domain of the original IL-2 which so many still love.\n \nThis plan can take us outward for almost 5 years. Then we can make more content to take us out to 10 years. The original IL-2 is still relevant in the genre so we hope to also make our IL-2 relevant for a long time as well. Assuming the man-machine singularity hasn't happened by that point.\n \n\nROF:\n\nWe also still love ROF and I hope at some point we can bring ROF to the new engine and re-release it as a new title with some more planes. I just don't have a way to do that yet and can't make any sort of promise. ROF players will probably be mad at me, but ROF is still an AMAZING sim and in some ways is still better than the current IL-2. I'll keep trying.\n\nMarket Support:\n\nI feel like I am back in 2010 trying to keep Rise of Flight alive. It's 2016 and the same damn challenges remain before us as a team. The same question still haunts me - Can the market support a hardcore flight-sim? Yes it can, but it's not easy. I know the market for this kind of simulation is still big enough to ensure future titles, but we need everyone who is even remotely interested to buy in. If everyone who initially bought into BOS bought into BOK direct from on our website over the next couple months we'd be fine and guarantee another product will come. But there has been some decline in customers willing to make a purchase or they wait for Steam sales. I'm sure I know why, but now with our new plan we hope that interest will pick up and more direct purchases will come. A direct purchase from us now, helps us much more than a Steam purchase later. Steam takes a huge chunk of the money and the net revenue is no where near as much if you buy direct from us. Steam is great for pumping up numbers of players, but direct purchases has the most immediate impact and sustains us. \n\nBottom line is that we need your continued business and financial support for us to make our entire plan or more become a reality. If I sound desperate or like a beggar I don't care. A big part of your hobby is at risk and will continue to be at risk for a long time without your support. We can't change the past. All we can do now is try to give you a combat-sim product you asked for and will love. Please help spread the word and if you can afford to buy in please do so.\n \nAnd we appreciate ALL our past, current and future customers and we will continue to fight on as we always do.\n\nStuff we'd like to make eventually but not in plan maybe future products:\n\n There are several things we'd like to make that are not in the plan as of now. We always have to make tough choices, but if we can be more successful we can maybe find a way. Some examples.\n\n \n1. Female Soviet Pilot Model.\n2. Re-vamp of GUI t0 be more thematic.\n3. Hyperlobby-like interface for COOP Mode.\n4. Italian Radio Chatter. (possible with sound mod)\n5. Deep dive into AI decision making.\n \n\nMore comments to come...

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 19:01

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Degalus » Fr 09 Sep 2016, 10:25

Die hartgesottenen und gebliebenen Spieler haben offenbar aufgezeigt, dass ne "Hyperlobby" für ne Coop sinnvoll wäre.\nKommt aber leider 2 jahre zu spät. Leider sind so viele wegen dieser fehlender Onlineplattform abgesprungen.

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 09:30

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Do 15 Sep 2016, 15:17

Preorder 69.99 $ \n\n
OLt. Zimmermann

Beiträge: 441
Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Do 15 Sep 2016, 19:11

Hab heut schon Geld für Spiele ausgegeben.\nMorgen vielleicht...\n\n :???: \n
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Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Fr 16 Sep 2016, 13:38

OLt. Zimmermann

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Do 22 Sep 2016, 20:29

Hello everybody!\n \nThe work on Battle of Kuban is officially started - the development plan is completed and approved by all team leads. The map of Kuban and three 3D models of the aircraft are already in the works and we are making preparations for the Career mode. Today we'll tell you a bit about this new game mode.\n \nThe most important thing is that Career mode is being developed not only for the Battle of Kuban, it will replace the current Moscow and Stalingrad campaigns as well.\n \nIn general, Career mode will be similar to Rise of Flight career with some changes. The main difference is that the new Career will be divided into phases according to new theaters of war and each phase will contain several chapters highlighting most important events like in current campaigns. Players will be able to select a phase and a chapter where they would like to start a career. After completing a phase, the career can be continued in another theater of war that is set later historically with the same personage. Each player can have several personages for different sides and different phases.\n \nUnlike in present campaigns, in the Career mode all missions will be tied to the calendar and time of day, happening successively. Your personage will serve in a selected squadron day by day and the outcome of previous missions will influence the next ones. In general, the tour of duty of a squadron will be close to the historical one. You can choose a squadron to serve in depending on a plane you want to fly. In addition, each aircraft and AI pilot in your squadron will be tracked. Pilots can be lost in action and new ones will join the squadron while damaged aircraft will require time to be repaired. All pilots of the squadron, both player and AI ones, will have a personal combat score and receive new ranks based on it.\n \nWe can't be 100% sure we'll have the time to implement this, but we want to allow player to begin a career as wingman and become a wing leader and eventually a squadron commander. Squadron commander can plan new missions, correcting a flight path and assigning aircraft and pilots to carry it out.\n \nIt will be possible to apply for transfer to another squadron, allowing a personage to change his aircraft and combat role (fighter, ground attack or bomber pilot) in the same career. Another significant change is that there will be historical military awards and ranks.\n \nPlease note that we don't simply copy the RoF career. It will be significantly optimized performance wise to make using it a breeze. While the main idea of the campaign comes from RoF, the mission generator will be an improved version of the current IL-2 one, resulting in much more rich environment and diverse combat situations that were possible in Rise of Flight. In addition, the current work of our engineer department on physics optimizations is aimed at increasing the number of aircraft in a mission, so the new Career will feature more intense and rich missions compared not only to RoF, but to the current IL-2 campaigns as well.\n \nThis is all we wanted to tell you about the new Career at this point, but there is another matter we'd like to share. In the previous Dev Diary we told you about landing gear modeling improvements that will be published in the next version 2.004. While working on the landing gear further, engineers were able to address a slipping friction modeling situation when a stationary or slowly rotating wheel of a landing aircraft touches the ground at a high speed, resulting in more accurate modeling of two-point landing. Tail-high landing can be performed if you touch the runway accurately, as shown in the video. In addition, an additional lateral friction is applied to a drifting wheel, making an aircraft more stable while taxiing, take off and landing, but also making it prone to roll-over during a strong skid. To summarize, taxiing, takeoff and landing will become somewhat easier and realistic in general, but a mistake during these phases will cause severe consequences. We' re hoping you'll like it.\n

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 09:30

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Do 06 Okt 2016, 15:50

Dev. Update: 134\n \nHello Everybody,\n \nAs we mentioned in our previous developer diaries, Battle of Kuban is in full scale development. In particular, the map of the new thereat of war is in the works.\n \nThe Career mode time-frame of the Battle of Kuban will begin April 17 and end October 9, 1943, so the map will include three seasons - Spring, Summer and Autumn. Making a Spring map is a new experience for us and we'll see how it goes. We're confident that its quality will be good, but the difference in color palette should be significant compared to other seasons and we're hoping it will add a nice visual variety to the project.\n \nMap borders are already set, as you can see on the attached picture - 416.2 km х 288.4 km fly zone which is 120,032 square kilometers total. Its borders, where you can't fly, ranges from 9.5 to 35 km thick (they are needed so you won't see the map edges). If we count these borders, the total visible area of the new map increases to whopping 165,000 square kilometers. The flyable area of the Kuban map is 32% larger than our Stalingrad map and 20% larger than our Western Front map in Rise of Flight. This is a significant increase in size with many more terrain features. You are going to enjoy it!\n \nThere are three major cities - Krasnodar, Novorossiysk and Kerch, several sea ports, some of them including unique infrastructure objects, more than thirty airfields. What is important, is that the map contains very diverse landscape types with the ocean, mountains, steppe, forested foothills, estuaries, salt-marshes, the Kerch channel, rocky and sandy coasts. Therefore, you'll see a diverse and interesting environment during three different seasons.\n \nAt this moment, initial research, map borders and the height map are completed and we can show you a very early WIP screenshot of the new map. There are no land textures at all yet, but it's a start :)\n \nIn addition, today we can tell you that our work on the next update 2.004 reached its final stage. The new update is in beta testing and we plan to release it in 2-3 weeks. It already contains more than 45 changes, including changes to physics, aircraft systems, damage models, 3D models, AI, user interface, mission system and ship improvements. The most important ones come from our work on the Battle of Kuban which is the first tier of physics and AI optimizations, resulting in double the number of AI aircraft on the ground at the same level of performance and 20% physics performance increase of AI aircraft in the air.\n \nWe'd also like to let you know that while our work on DirectX 11 implementation is not finished yet and the new render isn't ready to be included in 2.004 update, at the moment it grants a huge graphics performance boost, almost a 2x increase or more in FPS depending on the scene. We're hoping to release the new renderer to the public this year and we'll start its beta testing immediately after 2.004 release.\n \nUpdate 2.004 will also bring some early features we're preparing for the new Air Marshal multiplayer mode - the ability to have recon planes in the multiplayer server (the server host will be able to give some aircraft the spotter ability). Joystick ID storing system is improved again, hopefully this would resolve the remaining issues with multiple control devices caused by Windows changing device IDs for those who encountered them. You can see the testing of this system on the picture below :)\n \nAnd finally we have begun to work on collecting information and content for the new Career mode. Please check the forum for a section called Career Assistance. If you can help us create and gather the needed materials it would be a great help to the team!\n
OLt. Zimmermann

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Mo 28 Nov 2016, 09:22

Die Fw 190 bekommt Aufmerksamkeit: (nein, nicht die Panzerscheibe)\n\n\n\n
My name is Roman and I'm one of the Aerodynamics/Software Engineers for the IL-2 Sturmovik project. I create aircraft flight models together with my colleagues. I worked on the Yak-1b series 127 which was just released and now I work on the Bf-109 G-4, but I'd like to tell you about our plans in the medium term regarding the Fw-190. We'll begin working on the Fw-190 A-5 relatively soon, at the end of winter, and when we do that we’ll have a chance to also correct the existing Fw-190 A-3 flight model, taking all the data we have recently acquired into account. \n \nThe aircraft we recreate in our sim flew more than 70 years ago and this is a long time. Aviation historians have written many books on this aircraft in general. However, many original documents were either lost or there is no way to access them in government archives where they are kept. That's why such documents are interesting for us and sometimes are found only after the work on a plane in question is already finished. Such documents are needed to correct flight model after release and sometimes when we use data from those documents they introduce significant changes.\n \nWhen we were working on Fw-190 A-3 we didn't have data that could allow us to pinpoint its stall speed and maximum lift coefficient, two directly linked values. We didn't have its wind tunnel data and the maximum lift coefficient calculated from the wing profile somewhat differs from its value on the real aircraft. Also, its stall speed wasn't clearly given in the reports we had. For example, the flight manual mentioned the landing speed with flaps and a rough estimate of its landing speed increase without flaps, but these values can give only an approximate stall speed. The stall speed was mentioned in the British report on captured aircraft flight tests - but the mass of the aircraft, an important parameter for calculating the maximum lift coefficient using the stall speed, was omitted from that report. \n \nLast year some new data appeared on the Internet - excerpts from the Fw-190 Chalai-Meudon wind tunnel data report. We used this data directly and reduced the maximum lift coefficient to 1.17 as it was given in this report. This turned out to be a mistake as some people on our forums suggested. The mistake was verified by the full report, kindly submitted by the community member II/JG17_ SchwarzeDreizehn. The summary graphs of this report did not take into account the flow disturbances and the relatively low flow speed in the tunnel, which lowered the maximum lift coefficient results.\n \nAt the moment, we continue to analyze the data we have in hand. Our estimate of the Fw-190 maximum lift coefficient is now 1.3-1.4. Increasing the maximum lift coefficient will also increase the maximum angle of attack. Pitch range of the flight stick till stall will be widened, making the aircraft easier to handle.\n \nThe Fw-190 had an unusual wing warp as proven by documents which were found thanks to the community’s help, however, these documents have slight discrepancies. Changing this warp will result in different stall behavior, it's likely to become 'softer', but only after flying the corrected plane in the game can this be tested.\n \nThe main performance characteristics - speed and climb rate - should remain the same.\n \nWe would like to thank all the people who helped us in the search for additional documents. II/JG17_SchwarzeDreizehn, JtD, II/JG11ATLAN, JG13_opcode and all others who kept the discussion polite and constructive - it's a pleasure to communicate with you and recreate the aviation history in our sim together!

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 09:30

Re: Battle of Moscow

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Di 31 Jan 2017, 19:17 ... /?p=437657
Dear pilots,

We reached another Battle of Kuban milestone and present you 2.007 update. The main addition is Bf 110 G-2 that can carry a variety of strike weaponry. The result of the long work of our engineer department is also in: AI aircraft physics optimizations that allow to create more intense missions containing more AI planes. In addition, this update includes Fw 190 A-3 flight model corrections that were announced earlier (the result of additional available data analysis and historical references comparison). The full list of changes follows:

1. Twin engine strike aircraft Bf 110 G-2 is available to all Battle of Kuban owners;
2. AI controlled planes physics calculations were optimized. There can be more than twice the number of AI planes in a mission with the same level of physics performance (compared to August 2016 when we started this optimization work);
3. Fw 190 A-3 flight model was reworked according to additional reference data. Now its stall speed is closer to historical instructions;
4. 4 variants of a simple tank mission were added to Missions menu, they are available to all owners of the sim;
5. AI won't sometimes wobble the plane along the yaw axis in a level flight;
6. AI dogfight and ground attack maneuvers became much more fluid;
7. The last remnant in unrealistic AI control behavior - cheating alignment to a target - has been changed to realistic control method from mouse controls;
8. AI aircraft aim rockets at ground targets better;
9. AI aircraft take off correctly in QMB missions;
10. A rare issue when La-5 or Bf 110 E-2 failed to appear on mission start (this could also result in black screen) has been fixed;
11. Aiming help while using joystick can be enabled again;
12. Rockets aiming help accuracy has been increased;
13. Greenish smoke effects caused by disabling HDR are fixed now;
14. Grey artifacts on airfields that were visible from high above were fixed;
15. Pz38t and MG34 AA are correctly counted in statistics;
16. Fw 190 A-3 engine cowling armor restored;
17. Ju 52 pilot can't be damaged by fire in wing engines;
18. Mission Editor won't randomly crash while deleting a large number of objects at once;
19. MiG-3 oil on canopy effect made less severe;
20. Ju 52 middle engine nacelle corrected (shortened);
21. P-40E-1 fuel gauges show the amount of fuel left in imperial gallons;
22. All found places where wells, fences and other objects were blocking the roads were fixed;
23. Mission Editor correctly applies a weather preset depending on a selected season;
24. Ju 52 info panel now displays the number of paratroopers left on board;
25. Yak-1 Series 69 engine RPM control wheel rotation direction corrected;
26. Aircraft bump textures can be edited by users;
27. Viewer tool now supports 4K aircraft skins.
OLt. Zimmermann

Beiträge: 441
Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: Battle of Moscow

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Mo 06 Feb 2017, 08:26 ... ntry439151
Hello everybody!

Having released 2.007 update this week, we work on the next one. He 111 H-16 and Fw 190 A-5 flight models are being developed simultaneously. New A-5 model Focke-Wulf turns out to be an interesting platform, primarily because of the abundance of its weapon systems. For once, if you choose twin MG 151/20 gondolas you'll get six 20mm guns firing forward, resuting in a most powerful firing salvo in our sim. In addition, there will be a possibility to select Fw 190 A-5/U-17 strike loadout that includes additional armor protecting the engine and fuselage bottom, four additional underwing holders for SC 50 bombs and, most importantly, boost system that allows 1.65 ATA. Thanks to additional fuel injection into the overcharger intake, the engine can work for a prolonged amount of time in this mode, much longer that it can work in 1.42 ATA take-off mode without boost. However, this boost is effective only at low altitudes (less than 1 km), highlighting the primary use of this loadout as a ground strike craft.

In addition, we developed a tech that allows altering engine modes by selected aircraft modifications - the new La-5 modification that we'll add is M-82F engine that can work in 2400 RPM mode with 1140 mmHg pressure for an unlimited amount of time. The default M-82 engine that was fitted into La-5 fighters before January 1943 can sustain this mode only for 5 minutes with boost.

With H-16 and A-5 released, German aircraft lineup of Battle of Kuban will be complete with the exception of Hs 129 B-2 which is a Collector Plane. Soviet and lend-lease aircraft will follow - 3D models of IL-2 mod. 1943, A-20 bomber, Yak-7b and Spitfire Mk.Vb fighters are being made already. This week we finished Il-2 mod. 1943 wireframe model and animations and started making textures, the work on its FM will begin in 2-3 weeks.
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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Fr 10 Feb 2017, 13:34

Berge! ... ntry441481
Hello everybody,

While engineer and artist teams work on Battle of Kuban aircraft, our dedicated map department is making the landscape of the new theater of war. As we mentioned earlier, we use Rise of Flight tech as a start, but we spent a lot of resources to make it up to the task. We improved the mountains rendering in the first place, since mountains and foothills occupy 22 thousands square km of the total 120 thousands square km and the mountain coast is 350 km long. Theoretically we could create this landscape using existing technologies, but it would take unrealistic amount of time and we didn't have so many resources to do it the old-fashioned way. Therefore, we spent some time creating the procedural texturing system for mountaneous terrain. Surely, the modern tech requires not only applying the textures, but also choosing correct materials to make the landscape as natural looking as possible, getting rid of unnaturaly straight lines and borders. Here are several screenshots of our first attempts at this tech, which show promising results [...]
he main data source for this landscape is the height map. Its analysis and processing gives us the slope steepness data that can be used to determine the surface type at any given coordinates - is this a rocky slope, or a patch of soil covered with low grass, or a forested area. The orientation of a slope relative to cardinal directions and a bit of randomness are also taken into account. The snow line (above which snow covers the ground) is also determined using the height map data, but of course it is not a simple height slice - it depends on slope steepness, its orientation (which affects insolation), etc.

We almost finished creating special objects for sea ports. This task wasn't trivial either - their layout changed since 1943 very much and it took a full blown historical research to determine how they looked back then. Kuban towns will include the famous landmarks, they are already modeled as well.

Our map department is progressing according to schedule and soon we'll be able to show you the early screenshots of Battle of Kuban landscapes and towns that will be close to their final look.

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Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 09:30

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Do 16 Feb 2017, 17:40 ... /?p=443482
Hello Everybody,

Another productive week has passed. We achieved a good progress in implementing VR devices support via Open VR API - HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Both devices work in our sim already - visuals work, their parameters are being adjusted and possible performance optimizations are being researched. We used a certain approach to interact with existing user interface in VR environment conveniently. We'll start beta testing of the VR sub-system in the nearest future and it's planned to make Open VR support available to public in March.

At the same time, He-111 H-16 and Fw 190 A-5 development is almost finished and we'll start their beta testing this weekend (they will be released in 2-3 weeks). As we mentioned in our previous Dev Diaries, these planes turned out to be quite interesting. Meanwhile, the next Battle of Kuban planes are entering the development phase - today we can show you our first WIP screenshots of the A-20B bomber. This aircraft is going to be the most expensive in production for us, but it should also be among the most interesting planes.

There is some progress in developing the new Career mode that we announced together with Battle of Kuban. Jason has formed a team of community enthusiasts to help him to prepare text and graphics for this new game-play mode. Alexander 'BlackSix' has finished research on squadrons which participated in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad and Kuban and now he prepares their short histories. We hope to show you the first visible results of this work in the coming months.
OLt. Zimmermann

Beiträge: 441
Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 12:15

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Rollo » Di 28 Feb 2017, 15:03 ... ntry447222
Dear Pilots,

We've moved one step closer to Battle of Kuban release and present you the new version 2.008 today. It brings new content for BoK while other improvements are prepared for all owners of the game, as usual. The main addition is the new aircraft - He 111 H-16 and Fw 190 A-5 - which Battle of Kuban owners can fly right now (all others can see them in multiplayer or assign them to AI in singleplayer).

We also added a new modification for existing La-5 fighter - you asked us about it many times. M-82F engine, which went into production in early 1943, can work in boosted mode without a time limit.

Our community members also contributed to this update. Juri_JS and Coconut created new Battle of Moscow scenarios while talented skin maker Qi created historically accurate skins for Fw 190 A-5. We would like to thank those enthusiasts, you can admire their work as soon as your game install updates to 2.008.

1. Fw 190 A-5 fighter is available for Battle of Kuban owners;
2. He 111 H-16 bomber is available for Battle of Kuban owners;
3. New La-5 modification added: M-82F engine with unlimited boost time;
Hübsches Ding...

Beiträge: 1311
Registriert: Sa 05 Sep 2015, 09:30

Re: IL-2 Battle of Kuban and follow-ups

Beitrag von I/JG27_Zimmi » Sa 11 Mär 2017, 05:56

Dev. Update 151
Hello everybody,

we have new results for you after another development week. Today Dev Diary won't have much text because, as a popular saying goes, 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Mountain valleys and rivers technology is almost finished and the result it gives is on par with some pure tech demos out there. This is what happens when the technology (represented by our graphics programmer) and art (our mapping department) meet. Such harmony between different teams or individuals is something any development studio tries to achieve. ... /?p=450431
OLt. Zimmermann


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